Moonset Ladies ♥
Meet Britt
I was born and raised in Ontario, have lived in a few different areas throughout Ontario and now reside on beautiful Vancouver Island. Fun fact about me: One of my wildest dreams was to move to British Columbia, after I had visited my brother back in 2017 there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about being back on that beautiful Island. One day everything in my world shifted and unexpected changes led me to pursuing that dream. 6 weeks later I was hitting the road and wandering into the complete unknown. I sold most of my belongings and packed up my car with only the necessities. Traveling across Canada for a few weeks was so eye opening and inspiring. Catching the ferry to Vancouver Island was the most freeing feeling I have ever experienced, and maybe the most nervous I have ever felt in my whole life. Fast forward to now and wow, so many significant things have happened in my life and embracing the unknown has been the most rewarding part.
Have I mentioned my life is a wild journey from Monday to Sunday, and I wouldn’t have it any other way either. I am always on the move, and constantly knocking things off the to do list. Making checklists has always been something that has kept me on track and going in the right direction whether that is house chores, job duties or anything in between. Some things you will learn quite quick about me is I randomly sing my sentences, and you’ll see me bust a move to any beat of music often. I am also forever thinking about delicious chocolate and when the next time I can have a piece or seven. On any given day I am totally down for a picnic, and I love having beach fires down by the ocean. Since moving to Vancouver island, I absolutely love local coffee shops. There is something so wonderful about a freshly brewed bean. One thing I have grown to cherish as well is shopping local, whether that be within my community, across Canada or anywhere in the world. There is something so beautiful and special about buying a product somebody has personally created and crafted. They poured their creativity and time into something they are passionate about. Thank you to all who show support and love to us small businesses. Some things in a day I can not make it without are essential oils, facial mist and candles.
I have always had a passion for creating, and for as long as I can remember I have always thought it would be pretty cool to work for myself. I always got bored at jobs easily and had learned as much as I could within that profession without being management. After a while I would move onto the next opportunity. No job kept me interested to pursue as a long term goal. I have always loved creating cards for people, and over the last few years have grown to love gifting self care packages. So when candles was talked about amongst Mel and I, it was totally a fun opportunity to jump in. This has been one of the most rewarding and creative ways I have used my time and all the hard work is officially being released into this world. Thank you for being here all.
What I hope throughout life is that I can spread as much light and love to those who need a little more light on their journey, and continue to inspire and give support also to those who are living out their wildest dreams. I look forward to getting to know more of you beautiful souls who are embracing this chapter with us also. This is just the beginning and I am so happy you are here.
"She runs wild with the wind, but she's also calm like the sea on gloomy day."
Meet Mel
Hey loves. I am so glad you are all here, it truly means so much to me. I look forward on getting to know all of you on a more personal level, but in the meantime let me share a bit about myself.
I have spent years telling my husband, and those closest to me that I wanted to be creating candles. I knew this was a dream I would one day reach for when the time was right. 2020 had brought so much change for our family, so much uncertainty. We were brave, we were adventurous, and most of all we were creative. We had a plan, a dream, and a goal. We wanted to move to the West Coast!! We made it, we took the leap and moved to Vancouver Island. We did it! This is when I knew. I knew it was my time to shine. I was so lucky to have my best friend waiting on the island for me. Together we would create magic. Create Moonset!
When I am not making candles you can find me on a sushi date, netflixin' it up with a big bowl of cheez whiz popcorn (no really, you have to try it!), spending the day outside experiencing everything this world has to offer, or hitting up any market with a locally brewed coffee in hand.

How Moonset Candles came to be.
When Mel took the leap and moved across the country to meet Britt on Vancouver Island, our ideas started blooming together. We had always talked about owning a business together since we have known each other. Our ideas forever circled. A cleaning business, childcare services, and even creating a salon geared towards making little ones feel pampered. We had thought of creating self care boxes for individuals that was a mix of our favorite brands, as well as products we would create. Our creativity has always flowed but we were just not 100% set on one dream, or had moved in the direction of setting a goal. Mel had also for many years talked about wanting to make candles, and Britt was forever talking about wanting to be her own boss. When our ideas started colliding in September 2020, it was clear the direction we wanted to go...CANDLES! So the research began. One day when we were bouncing names back and forth between each other, Moonset came up. We were not aware that moonset is actually a term used when the moon is setting below the horizon in the western sky. Which is where this quote we created came from-